
Saturday, November 24, 2012

What defines us?

I read every night before I go to bed. It seems to ease my mind and sometimes puts me to sleep. :)  I've had this pile of books (picture coming soon) on the corner of my night stand for a long time, maybe even all summer break. It keeps growing! The list of books on my nook keeps growing too! Most of these books are books to help improve my pedagogy. Another small percentage of books is child development.

Some would say that I have a fear, Am I doing a good job parenting, teaching? I think the more tricks I have up my sleeve the more likely I reach that one student. That one student that I can't find what causes him to behave that way. That one student that is so disconnected to school. The parent in me thinks that student isn't just a student he/she is child and needs a parent. My heart breaks. I love and hug my own children more.

Parenting: to be or act a mother or father.
Teacher: a person who teaches --( and sometimes acts as a parent. )

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